Monday, April 21, 2014

"DEFEND YOUR INTEGRITY" -- Robert Gates Whitewash of Gen. McChrystal Ver. 1.2 (April 3, 2014; Updated 4-20-14)

Note: 1.)To get the most relevant posts up front, I changed the "published dates" of the first six posts to April 2014. 2.) If the Scribd embeds don't show up in Internet Explorer, try other browsers such as Google Chrome.

"Defend Your Integrity" -- Robert Gates & the Whitewash of Gen. Stanley McChrystal (Draft Version 1.0, Apr... by Guy Montag


  1. Well done Montag. Much like Gate's memoir, your piece was too long to consider very many of the points in any depth but the parts I went over were well written and researched even better. Keep up the good work.

    -R. Lee

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